2-1-1 Northeast Michigan
2-1-1 Northeast Michigan is a free, single connection to the hundreds of health and human services available in your community. With one phone call, you can receive advice from a trained specialist who can direct you to the resources that will serve you best during your time of need. From rent assistance and help with utilities shut offs to compulsive gambling treatment, 2-1-1 can put you in touch with assistance.
- Dial 211, or 888-636-4211 toll-free
- Hearing impaired callers dial MI-RELAY at (800) 649-3777
- Food – food pantries, hot meal locations, commodities, meals on wheels
- Utilities Shut Offs – gas, water, electric
- Deliverable Fuels – propane, oil, wood, wood pellets, corn
- Rent Assistance – must have received eviction or 7-day notice
- Other home and family needs
Starting Strong/Great Parents
Starting Strong provides services to all families in Bay and Arenac counties with a child between the ages of birth to five. The services include interactive play groups, home visiting, family enrichment activities, and enrollment in the Imagination Library program.
Play Group
- Incorporates parent involvement
- Discussions with parent and child activity time to enhance socialization
- Playful learning
- Parents As Teachers curriculum used each week.
Home visiting Services
- Weekly home visits available to targeted families who meet specific program criteria
- Blends parenting education, early childhood education and parent-child interaction time
- Age-appropriate activities
- Some home visits may include adult education and tutoring with a goal of enrolling in appropriate classes
- The home visitor often acts as a community resource and may serve as a contact to other support agencies.
Family Enrichment Activities
- Starting Strong invites families in Bay and Arenac counties to a night of free family fun two times a year
- Provides families with age-appropriate activities that can be easily incorporated at home
- Addresses all areas of child development.